Please check Blunder#5, Blunder#59, and Blunder#111 above to know more about Gopinath Bordoloi, and Bordoloi-Nehru tiff.

People often do not appreciate that one of the reasons that a state like Assam is in India today is due to the courageous stand of Gopinath Bordoloi, the first Chief Minister of Assam, who fought the Muslim League’s effort to include Assam and other parts of the North-East Region (NER) in East Pakistan. The Congress Party at the national level, led by Nehru, would have acquiesced to the Muslim League had it not been for a revolt by Bordoloi, backed by the Assam unit of the Congress Party and supported by Mahatma Gandhi and the Assamese public.
—Sanjoy Hazarika in his book “Writing on the wall”

That great man from Assam, Gopinath Bordoloi, despite his achievements—far more than most of the Indian leaders, with the added uniqueness that like Sardar Patel, who was instrumental in expanding the Indian territory by about 40% by accession of the Indian Princely States, Bordoloi helped expand India’s geographical boundary to Assam and the Northeast—was not awarded Bharat Ratna by Nehru&Dynasty, while many, not as deserving, got that award. Why? He had opposed Nehru before independence, and for good reason—to include Assam in India—and that was the reason Nehru and his dynasty deprived him of well-deserved Bharat Ratna. It was only when a non-Congress (Vajpayee) government came to power that Bordoloi, a veteran Congressman, was awarded the Bharat Ratna posthumously in 1999.

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